Berokim Law has successfully obtained multiple six and seven figure payouts on behalf of individual employee and class action matters. They have extensive experience representing aggrieved employees in matters involving discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination.
Berokim Law protects the rights of countless employees seeking to secure compensation and justice after being victimized by their employers and is dedicated to protecting the rights of all employees in the workplace.
Berokim Law specifically has vast experience in the following areas concerning employment law:
Wage and Hour Laws disputes
Wrongful Termination
Workplace Discrimination
Age Discrimination
Disability Discrimination
Gender and Sex Discrimination
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Religious Discrimination
National Origin Discrimination
Pregnancy Discrimination
California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Whistleblower & Qui Tam
Breach of Employment Contract
Below, you can find a portfolio of a few of the employment matters that attorney Kousha Berokim have handled, as well as the general areas in Employment Law that the Firm specializes in.
Portfolio Of A Few Of Our Prior Clients In Employment Matters:
Attorneys Berokim represented a long-time employee of a boutique retail store. For approximately two years prior to her termination, Plaintiff made several complaints to management about various health and safety OSHA violations for approximately two years prior to her to termination. Further, Plaintiff also suffered from a reoccurring disability which was exacerbated by the poor health conditions at work. Plaintiff sent a letter to OSHA detailing the company’s violations, took time off from work to accommodate her disability and was ultimately retaliated against and wrongfully terminated for engaging in said protected conduct. Berokim secured a sizeable six figure settlement against Defendant.
Attorney Berokim represented an employee of a large pharmaceutical company suffering from a disability. When Plaintiff requested time off from work to accommodate her disability, the Company retaliated against her, by creating a hostile working environment, and refusing to accommodate her disability. Despite providing numerous doctors notes to her employer evidencing her necessity for time off, the Company retaliated against Plaintiff and wrongfully terminated her. Berokim secured a sizeable six figure settlement against Defendant.
Attorney Berokim represented an employee working for a small company. Defendant failed to pay Plaintiff her lawful overtime wages, and also failed to provide Plaintiff her lawful meal and rest periods. Even more, Plaintiff’s manager engaged in sexual harassment against Plaintiff by touching her inappropriately and by making sexually harassing comments. Plaintiff made several complaints, both verbal and in writing, about Defendant’s illegal wage and hour policies and about the sexual harassment at work. Plaintiff was retaliated against and wrongfully terminated for said complaints. Berokim secured a sizeable six figure settlement against Defendant. Attorney Kousha Berokim represent an employee working for an international company. Plaintiff was responsible for generating sales in various international markets, requiring Plaintiff to travel and attend various trade shows to sell merchandise. Defendant’s unlawfully misclassified Plaintiff as an exempt administrative employee, when was actually a non-exempt employee. Plaintiff made several oral complaints about this willful misclassification and the company’s failure to pay him overtime, and even went so far as to call the Company’s ethic’s hotline. In response to Plaintiff’s complaint, the company retaliated him and wrongfully terminated him from his employment. Berokim secured a sizeable six figure pre litigation settlement against Defendant.